Sewage Treatment Plant

Appendix form – downloadable”
“18/06/2009 Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze No 2 S.A. (Military Aviation Works No. 2) signed a contract for co-financing of the project: “Construction of an industrial sewage treatment plant in WZL Nr 2 S.A. to reduce the amount of untreated sewage” under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, Priority Axis IV, Measure 4.4. Support for enterprises in the water and sewage management facility is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The new facility has been constructed using a technology providing full recovery of water from industrial waste. It enables water reuse in the production processes. The final product of the facility is high quality demineralised water with guaranteed conductivity parameters independent of the initial salinity of the sewage. The system can operate in both automatic and manual modes, has complete control and records all the processes necessary for operators.
Through the Project we can obtain high-quality water, essential in the painting of aircraft, including the F-16.
The implemented technologies are very modern and technologically advanced, and they are not very widespread in the aviation industry. The investment project is very innovative. Thanks to its implementation, the plant now meets the highest environmental and quality standards.
The investment project is aimed at saving 9000m3 of water resources annually and eliminating discharge of production waste into the municipal sewer system.”