We would like to inform that the article entitled “Fotel śmierci. Dlaczego zginął kapitan Sobański” by Edyta Żymła and Marcin Wyrwała published on 6th November, 2018 on Onet.pl portal contains unconfirmed theses and is based on the speculations and opinions of people who for more than a decade have been outside the structures of the Polish Armed Forces. The circumstances of the tragic accident which took place near Pasłęk are the subject of works of the National Aviation Commission on Aircraft Accident Investigation. Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze No. 2 S.A. are one of the parties which participate in the investigative process for explaining the causes of the MiG-29 aircraft crash. The company cooperates with the Commission and provides all sort of information requested by the Commission or required for a comprehensive explanation of the causes of the MiG-29 crash. Since the ongoing works of the Commission, any media speculations related to the causes of the crash are unjustified.