Water for Provincial Isolation Hospital in Warsaw
WZL No. 2 has two locations – Bydgoszcz and Warsaw and thus in these difficult times we come to help wherever we are. In response
WZL No. 2 has two locations – Bydgoszcz and Warsaw and thus in these difficult times we come to help wherever we are. In response
We provided PET foil for production of face shields for the medical personnel of 10th Military Research Hospital and Polyclinic in Bydgoszcz and for the
We provided 700 pieces of chemical and hygiene products for charges of Municipal Social Welfare Centre in Bydgoszcz. These items were divided into 100 packages
Due to the risk of coronavirus outbreak, having regard to our employees’ health, the Management of Wojskowe Zakłady Lotnicze No. 2 has taken measures to
The 12th International Air Fair Exhibition will take place on 17-18 May 2019 on the premises of our plant. This year, apart from the equipment